
洗澡的好處 (一歲以上的鸚鵡適用)

假如你的太陽鸚鵡是一歲以下或剛帶回家 , 請不要考慮給牠們洗澡 ! 因為新回家或BB鸚鵡抵抗力較弱 , 很易冷病
在簡介中說都過了 , 太陽鸚鵡由於產於濕度很高的熱帶地區 , 因此很熱愛水 . 有些太陽鸚鵡享受被室溫的水輕輕灑濕羽毛 , 有些反而寧願在淺碟自己洗濕羽毛 , 作為主人的我們 , 可以兩樣都提供讓牠們按自己的喜好去選擇
請不要提供暖水給你的鸚鵡洗澡 , 因為熱水會洗去羽毛本身有的油脂 , 令你的愛鳥的皮膚失去天然的保護

現在就說一說洗澡的好處吧 !

Bathing is an important part of the general grooming process. It allows birds to keep their plumage in good condition.
洗澡是鳥兒每天整理自己的其中一個非常重要的部分 , 水份可以幫牠們的羽毛維持在好的狀態

Bathing softens dirt on the feathers and skin and encourages preening. If you bathe your parrot regularly, you will notice that his feathers will begin to become waterproof due to his preening duties.
洗澡可幫助軟化在羽毛和皮膚上的塵土和鼓勵鳥兒梳理羽毛 , 如果你給你的鳥兒有定時洗澡的習慣 , 你會發現牠們的羽毛變得有防水作用

Bathing in room-temperature water provides a natural venue for moisturizing a bird's skin. Skin can become dry and itchy, leading to pluking
讓你的鳥兒在室溫下的水洗澡 , 可以使牠們的皮膚變濕潤 . 沒有足夠水份的皮膚會變乾和痕癢 , 有可能導致咬毛

It's also important that any pollutants be removed from the bird's feathers so that it doesn't ingest any toxic stuff while preening.
為免鳥兒在梳理羽毛時吞下有毒物 , 用水來移除羽毛上的污染物是一樣很重要的事

Bathing is especially important during molting when birds sometimes feel itchy and uncomfortable as the new pin feathers break through the skin. Keeping the skin and feathers hydrated is helpful and Aloe Vera spray from distilled aloe without addictives helps to hydrate skin and feathers and prevent itching. A daily soaking bath is helpful along with spritzes of water or aloe spray between baths. It is easier to see new pin feathers emerging if you first wet down the feathers so check for new feather growth is after a soaking bath
洗澡可在鳥兒換毛的時候幫助舒緩不適 , 由其是在針毛長出時造成的痕癢 . 主人更可以用含有純蘆薈成份的噴霧噴濕鳥兒的羽毛 , 這可以幫助鳥兒保持皮膚和羽毛的水份 , 防止痕癢情況發生 .

Harrison 有出雀鳥用蘆薈成份噴霧 , 香港也有售

Bathing is also important for breeding birds, as it helps them regulate the humidity level in the nesting box, which is important for the development of the chicks inside the eggs.
在繁殖對鳥身上 , 洗澡更好幫助鳥巢保持濕度 , 提高幼鳥的孵化率

