
籠裡的佈置 - 巢箱

大約是Echo 來了之後我才開始留意不同種類的巢箱吧 , 
本身只想到要用作孕育小Happy 小 Echo 的作用吧 (嘻 ~ ) , 
但安在籠子後 , 才發覺有巢箱牠們好像高興很多 , 並發現牠可以把這東西當作遊戲場地 XD

有屋 , 總不能沒房間吧 ... 開初在舊籠子 , 
我只加了個細Size 巢箱給牠倆 , 開初牠倆對這個新傢俬很好奇但又害怕 , 
最後花了兩天時間去熟習環境 , 

於是在聖誕前夕買了個新的大巢箱送牠們做聖誕禮物  牠們都好喜歡呢 !
轉了大巢箱 ,我發現牠們比以前還睡得熟 , 而且會很安心地把頭收在翼中間睡
另外 , 我看見Echo 很喜歡在巢箱內和Happy 追來追去 , 還回反轉躺平和Happy玩
所以我是十分建議大家加個巢箱給你們的太陽鸚鵡 !

以下是設置巢箱的尺寸 ,  位置 參考資料 (轉自Avian Web )
Marcy Covault suggests using a deeper box, either a bootbox or a vertical grandfather box (18" - 24" deep). Some conures do accept cockatiel-sized boxes, but using a deeper box will reduce the conures' tendency to remove the shavings and lay their eggs on the bare wooden base.
    • Length / depth: approx. 16 - 24 inches (400 - 600 mm)

    • Log / nest-box internal dimensions approx. 10 inches square (250 mm square)

    • Diameter of entrance hole: approx. 3 inches ( ~70 - 80 mm)

    • Inspection hole: Can be square or round, approx. 4 inches (100 mm) in diameter.

    • A Removable top / lid can be a useful access point for inspections and for cleaning.

    • Location and height of log / nest-box: Install in a sheltered part of the aviary at about 5 feet (~1.5 - 1.8 meters) height, but not too close to the roof to cause heat problems in the hotter months.

    • Angle of log or nest box: 45 degrees through to vertical. Most boxes are vertical.

  • Nesting log / nest-box material: Options are decomposed non-toxic saw dust, corn cob, wood shavings (i.e., Aspen shavings) or other suitable materials. Please note that wood shavings - such as pine, cedar and redwood - give off aromatic hydrocarbons (phenols) and acids that are toxic and can cause dermatitis, allergic symptoms and irritation of the digestive tract. They should not be used in cages, aviaries, or nestboxes. The larger the wood chips the better, so the parents don't feed it to the babies or the chicks accidentally ingest it. Other options for nesting material include shredded paper and clean straw / dried grass. (要留意不要選用松木 , 香柏木(西洋杉木; 雪松木) 和紅杉木造的木巢箱 , 因為這些木會釋出有害氣phenols (石碳酸) 和有毒酸性物質 . 有機會導致皮膚炎 , 敏感 和刺激消化道) 

