
太陽鸚鵡的簡介 - 繁殖習慣

太陽鸚鵡於 2 - 3 歲就會變得性成熟

野外的雌性太陽鸚鵡常於棕櫚樹上建巢 , 牠們十分注重對鳥巢的清潔 , 因此不會重用建巢材料 . 牠們會重複清潔鳥巢直到產蛋過程的完結 . 太陽鸚鵡一胎大概有 3 - 4 隻蛋 . 了蛋呈圓形 , 26.7 to 29.5 mm X 22.0 to 23.5 mm 大 , 約8.74 g重

成功受精的鳥蛋會在 23 至 27 孵化 . 幼鳥的飛行羽會在 7 - 8星期大時長成 , 大概於 9 - 10 星期大會離開父母獨立 .

所有錐尾鸚鵡蛋的受精率也很高 , 但如果鳥媽媽和爸爸太年輕 , 和巢的溫度過低 , 便有機會孵化失敗 , 其後對鳥會立即再度繁殖 . 在罕有的事件中 , 對鳥可能會破壞並吃掉鳥蛋 , 通常是由於過度缺乏蛋白質和鈣質 . 被長期冷落在冰冷環境或中鳥蛋會導致未孵化的幼鳥死亡 . 年輕父母可能會在照顧初生時因沒有經驗或經驗不足顯得有點不熟悉 , 但很少出現完全失敗的例子

如果父母長期只吃種子為主食 , 生出來的幼鳥便有機會有骨骼的問題 .

Sun conures reach sexual maturity somewhere around two years of age. However, a pair of birds must be approximately the same age for their eggs to be fertile. However, breeding is very common in captivity. While captive birds have no true breeding season, the increasing intensity of light and higher temperatures often stimulates them to breed in the spring. However, in their natural environment, nests have been found most often in February.

Females in the wild have been known to nest in trees or in cavities in Maurita flexuosa palms. They desire clean nests, free from any previously used nesting materials. The nest may be cleaned repeatedly up until egg-laying is complete. The average clutch size is 3 to 4 eggs, with eggs being laid one at a time in two to three day intervals. The eggs are round, measure about 26.7 to 29.5 mm by 22.0 to 23.5 mm, and weigh about 8.74 g. These eggs are incubated for 23 to 27 days, which is nearly forty percent longer than that of other birds when compared to egg mass. The young fledge 7 to 8 weeks after hatching and become independent after 9 to 10 weeks.

The eggs laid by sun parakeet contain more solids and less water than those of other species. The initial caloric content of the eggs is higher than is typical for equal size eggs of similar species. The rate of embryonic oxygen consumption increases throughout incubation. Embryos have a total metabolism of 18.029 kJ, which is greater than expected based on egg mass.

The fertility rate of all conure species is especially high. If a clutch does fail, the pair will breed again right away. Clutches can fail if the male is too young or too old or if the temperature is too low. Humidity does not seem to have any effect on hatching. In rare cases, conure pairs have destroyed and eaten their own eggs, usually as a result of a protein or calcium deficiency. This can quickly become habit. Clutches can also fail if the eggs are left to cool for too long, and individual eggs can fail to hatch if they become too dirty or if the young bird fails to break through the shell. Babies may also suffer from bone deformities if they are born to parents who survive on only seed. A complete failure to raise young is rarer in conures than in most other species.

原文 : http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Aratinga_solstitialis.html

