
各位同學 , 今日我地玩看圖講故事

各位同學 , 今日我地玩看圖講故事
雞 ~
鴨 ~
轉自 Agnes Yip > 黃色巨鴨 Rubber Duck
 轉自 Edmond Lai > 黃色巨鴨 Rubber Duck
雀仔 ~
各位同學 , 最緊要咩呀 ?
(舉手) 要煮熟晒d肉先好食
Echo : 咩話 !!! O___o 煮左我黎食
Echo :太高調都係唔得 , 我閃啦
bye bye 你對翼 , 唔洗掛住我架
By The Way , 大家睇左鴨仔未 ? 真係好 Duck 意 !

1 則留言:

  1. Conures are known for their playful tendencies and have been referred to as the clowns of the Parrot world.
