
太陽鸚鵡的簡介 - 習性行為

在野外 , 太陽鸚鵡是一對的生活在一個由3 - 15 隻鸚鵡組長的族群裡 , 當中以5隻為一群較為普遍 . 再果樹豐富的地方 , 大的族群至 20 - 30 隻鸚鵡也會可能建立 . 太陽鸚鵡作為非常善於社交的雀鳥 , 牠們永遠不會離開自己的族群 . 太陽鸚鵡作為叫聲最尖銳的中小型鸚鵡 , 牠們只會在飛行時不停尖叫 , 在覓食時是會異常安靜

年輕的太陽鸚鵡會在 4 - 5 個月時找到自己的伴侶成對 , 在一個族群中 , 對鳥是十分容易被辨別出 , 並在族群關係中有較高的位置 . 不過在人類飼養的環境中 , 同性的太陽鸚鵡也會有可能成對 , 會互相給對方餵食並進行交配 . 太陽鸚鵡是一種十分善與社交的鸚鵡 , 如果單獨飼養 , 牠們會非常親近主人\

正在換毛中的太陽鸚鵡會顯得十分不舒服 , 洗澡可以幫助舒緩 , 和處於一個高濕度的環境中
Sun conures live in pairs or in small flocks varying from 3 to 15 individuals, although groups of smaller than 5 are most common. Large flocks of 20 to 30 birds can build up where fruiting trees and bushes are abundant. Highly social birds, sun conures will never leave their flock. Their movements may be nomadic or seasonal and based on food availability, although some populations are present year round. Flocks are surprisingly quiet while feeding but are extremely noisy in flight, usually heard long before they are seen. Their flight is swift and direct, and entire flocks easily melt into the foliage despite their bright coloration. Flocks often fly many miles every day, making exercise vital for birds in captivity.

Young conures pair off at around 4 or 5 months when possible. Unlike similar species such as jandayas and golden conures, pairs are clearly distinguishable and take precedence over group relations. In captivity, however, pairing can be deceiving as birds of the same sex will often act like a pair, feeding and mating with one another. They are naturally very sociable creatures and, if kept alone, will bond very closely to one person.

Molting birds often become irritable because they are uncomfortable. This discomfort can be eased by bathing or by exposure to warm rainfall or humidity, which enables the sheaths of pin feathers to open more easily.

原文 : http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Aratinga_solstitialis.html

