

Unlike essential amino acids and essential fatty acids, there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate. In nature, carbohydrates are an important source of immediate energy available for active birds, who sometimes fly long distances to forage for food. Aside from providing energy, carbohydrates serve no other function. They do not build muscle, transport vitamins or nutrients, support the immune system, or contribute to health in any way.
和氨基酸和脂肪酸不同 , 在現實中沒有必須在食物中攝取的碳水化合物 . 在大自然中 , 碳水化合物扮演著提供即時能量的角色 , 供給活躍的鳥兒飛往不同地方覓食 . 除此之外 , 碳水化合物再沒有其他功效 . 不能用於肌肉的建立 , 維他命和營養 , 支持免疫系統 …..等等的事
In captivity, birds are not very active. They have no need to forage for food and they have no need for quick available energy to sustain them while foraging and watching for predators. Unused carbohydrates are turned into fat and stored for future use. Unfortunately, for captive birds, there is seldom any future need for those stored carbohydrates. Sedentary birds on high carbohydrate diets become obese.
在人工飼養的鳥兒中 , 牠們不需要花大量能量去覓食 , 和在覓得時保持警覺性去避開掠食者 . 多餘的碳水化合物會被轉化為脂肪貯存在身體以供給將來使用碳水化合物 . 不幸地 , 在人工飼養下的鸚鵡 , 沒有很多機會會用到貯存在身體的
日積月累 , 長期餵飼含大量碳水化合物餐單的鳥兒就會變痴肥


